Tips for working with your intuition

A personal note …..

Below are some “tools” I use on my intuitive path. I’ve been using them for decades, and for me, they have worked beautifully. Try them out, but also use your own “inklings” as that’s part of your personal intuitive journey. It may take a bit of time, but since earth is evolving at such a rapid rate, I would venture a guess that you’ll be noticing how quickly you are “connecting” in no time. And I’d love to hear about your adventures, so pop me a note?

Tip #1 - We are ALL born Intuitive

Believe in your intuitive capabilities, even if it is only in baby steps at first. There is no shame in doubting, however intuition is like a muscle and grows with use. Many folk have been led to believe intuition is for a chosen few and/or also a “sin” to use. Phooey on that idea. It’s a bold faced lie.

Tip # 2 - Drink Lots of Water & Take Good Care of Your Body

We are built of multiple biological systems (physical, emotional, bio-electric, etc.) “Corroded” systems or unhealthy biological systems, are rather like rust on electrical wires. It’s inefficient. And while it does not make it impossible to use your intuition, it very well can impair the flow of information.

Tip # 3 - Set a “Date” with Spirit To Practice Your Intuition

Working with your intuition, with the help of Spirit (God, Goddess, use your preferred name for Presence) can add a profound layer of growth to the process. As well as a layer of beauty and grace.

Tip # 4 - Keep an Intuition Journal

Write down your impressions and document your intuitive “hits.” Jot down your questions in a journal dedicated to this topic. Listen for your answers. Spirit works in quiet ways and always answers us. But not always how we expect. Stay open to the weird and wonderful. Using a journal is a masterful way to up-level your intuition. As part of my own personal practice….. it worked and still works.

Tip # 5 - Ground Yourself Often

When working with your intuition you are in a different vibration. It can leave one feeling “ungrounded” and that can sometimes lead to not paying attention to daily life. Bare feet on ground, sitting under a tree, even eating crackers, can help one get back in body and to planet earth.

Tip # 6 - Most of all… HAVE FUN.

Keep a sense of wonder, a feather light touch with your intuition. Approach it like a child turned loose in a petting zoo. It’s a bit scary, fun, and you just gotta be involved. Allow impressions to be ‘as is.’ Give yourself the gift of time. AND… if you happen to be in a tough spot, there is always tomorrow and eternity. There is no rush. Your intuition is not going anywhere, it’s an innate part of you.